This week for our Focus On A Member series, we hear from Vicki Baker, Senior Account Executive, US Account Sales, Marriott International
What was your favorite Netflix binge during 2020?
Queenā€™s Gambit.
Where is the first place you will travel when the pandemic is over?
To the Beach.
What is the best recipe you tried in 2020?
Spinach and cheese stuffed meatloaf.
Personally or professionally, were there any positive things that came out of the pandemic (i.e. more time with family, house projects, got a dog, curbside pick up)?
I really enjoyed spending more time with my family. By having the summer off from work, I was able to clean out, organize and pack my house to move. It would have been really stressful to just have weekends to work on that huge task.
Did you create a new tradition for the holiday?
We just had our immediate family for the holidays and watched Netflix and played games.
What did 2020 teach you about your professional life?
It made me appreciate the job that I was furloughed from so when I came back, I felt really grateful to have the same job.
What did 2020 teach you about your personal life?
Family is the most important.
What new hobby have you started in the past year?
Not really a hobby, but I’m cooking dinner most nights now.
I am looking forward to 2021 because…
Traveling and spending time with extended family.
I believe (or don’t believe) hybrid events are here to stay because…
I think hybrid events in some form will be here to stay. But true hybrid meetings will probably be very expensive so I think that groups will record their sessions and put them on their website so that those who could not attend can view the recordings at their leisure.