Chapter News

Charity Auction Recipient, reStart, Recieves Check for $10,000 from PCMA Heartland Chapter.​​​​​​

Thank you to all who participated and supported our annual charity auction on February 10th.  Our event was so successful and because of your generosity, President Vicki Baker and Treasurer Hayley Neverve were able to present a check from the PCMA Heartland Chapter in the amount of $10,000.
​​​​​​reStart provides services free of charge and helps approximately 400
people each day through prevention, outreach, shelter, transitional housing and permanent housing. They address barriers to housing by providing a number of core services including case management, street outreach, and employment services.

heartlandpcmaorgCharity Auction Recipient, reStart, Recieves Check for $10,000 from PCMA Heartland Chapter.​​​​​​